29 Comments on "OMG, he’s naked: Love Island Australia reality star Taku Chimwaza"

  1. I bet majority of you didnt have to search this hard for dick since you last looked in the mirror.

  2. the guy’s holding a heart, that’s all i see and a coiuple chest shots

  3. Guys…… your looking on the wrong side of the photo, Look left. look through the water on the left.

  4. Everyone in the comments needs theirs eyes & attitudes checked.. I see a soft soapy uncut cock to the left. It’s not magic eye…


  6. Richard Vestal | December 20, 2021 at 8:26 pm | Reply

    How does anyone call this naked?

  7. Am I missing something?

    • EveryBodyHatesShannon | December 29, 2021 at 7:16 am | Reply

      Honestly, you’re not missing much so far :
      – People being mean and rude for not seeing what’s under their nose.
      – Shannon’s irrelevant comment of the day.

      And if you haven’t seen it yet the cock is on the 2 photos with the white tattooed dude. On his left, in the background.

  8. Wow, one body has tattoos in the other doesn’t. One body’s dark skinned in the other bodies light skinned. I don’t see any cock either. Bunch of bullshit if you ask me

  9. And two different bodies in the pics…

  10. Where is it lmao

  11. There is nothing NSFW about these pics… Are some missing??

  12. What showing off, what shower?

  13. LOL. such a moron whomever deals with this site and NOT posting all of the pics!!!!! Nothing to see obviously.

    • EveryBodyHatesShannon | December 24, 2021 at 10:35 am | Reply

      It’s always funny when someone call an other “moron”, when he is the obvious moron himself. Look at the LEFT of the photos with the body with tattoos.


  15. Where’s the beef? The rump roast? Cute though

  16. Where are the pics?

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