14 Comments on "OMG, he’s naked UHGAIN: Philip from ‘Big Brother: Germany’"

  1. I can’t see anything – just a whole lot of empty white frames !

  2. elsayed ismail | February 26, 2020 at 3:30 pm | Reply

    his butt is very big and nice dick

  3. LOL that guy with no ass checking him out.

  4. They should try a new slant on the next season of Big Brother – disallow razors in the house. I’ll look UHGAIN and UHGAIN (and UHGAIN) at this hot man, but I want to see some bush.

  5. Why do Germans love shaving?

  6. A little less manscaping and he would be perfect!!

  7. So it seems like they all don’t have a choice but to shower naked? Aren’t they naked uhgain every day then??

  8. He’s a good looking guy, with a great body and a nice cock. If I looked like him I wouldn’t care who saw me naked either.

  9. I’d entertain a sexual thought about him, if he didn’t shave himself to the point of being pre-pubescent. I don’t fantasize about kids.

  10. I need to move to Germany. Just call me Mrs. Phillip

  11. He’d look so much hotter with pubes.

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