!! OMG, Azealia Banks has an ‘Azealia-esque’ take on Lorde’s praise for Charli’s new album !!

The next episode!
…We wouldn’t expect anything less from her.

Check out what Banks had to say about Lorde on Charli‘s new album Brat after the jump.


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4 Comments on "OMG, Azealia Banks has an ‘Azealia-esque’ take on Lorde’s praise for Charli’s new album"

  1. Crazy to me how few people seemingly understand the notion that people like nice people. If you go around being a jerk like this you’ll soon find that nobody wants to be around you. And if you do it long enough it will affect your career. I could name a list of celebrities that can’t get work because everyone finds them difficult to deal with.

  2. Banks is and always was an assh*le!

  3. Shame when talented people seem to need to belittle other talented people. It’s not cute.

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