!! OMG, boner-killers anonymous: Zac Efron got dreadlocks !!

Just for fun šŸ¤˜

A post shared by Zac Efron (@zacefron) on

Just when you were questioning whether or not Zefron was on the bad stuff or not, confirmation comes with news that he must be because he went out and got dreadlocks. Hopefully itā€™s for a film, and itā€™s some sort of Spring Breakers-esque farce, but are we sure he just didnā€™t want them?

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4 Comments on "OMG, boner-killers anonymous: Zac Efron got dreadlocks"

  1. Hello-

    black people have bleached blond so why canā€™t Zac have dreadlocks?

  2. As a gay black man with locs, part of me wants to be mad that you titled the post to imply that locs are a ā€œboner-killer.ā€ Also, that your text implies that he must be on drugs. Not all people who wear locs are on drugs! Locs are a beautiful hairstyle and look that a lot of people from different walks (and not just black people) rock for many reasons. (With me, I wear them because I like long hair and locs are virtually the only style I can wear to have long hair).

    But, the other part of me agrees that Efron doesnā€™t look good in the pic. I donā€™t want to become a keyboard warrior or a comment troll, but I have to seriously say that your actions and words hurt.

  3. The really pretty people go through phases in which they explore really ugly fashion styles. Once he gets a wrinkle heā€™ll come around.

  4. This made me crap hardā€¦just say no to Rastafron.

    I would still fuck him though.

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