!! OMG, he’s been naked so many times: Russell Tovey !!

Russell Tovey nude

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Russell Tovey is an openly gay British actor with a big sex appeal that you might know from his roles in Looking, The Job Lot, Years and Years, and The Pass. One thing they all have in common: Cake, cake, cake, cake!

Russell has so many hot nude and gay scenes that we decided to round them up right here so you don’t have to.

View all our favorite Tovey scenes after the NSFW jump!

For the full NSFW Russell Tovey scenes, head HERE

On the series The Job Lot Russell let his smooth plump buns hang out from under his shirt.

And don’t even get us started on his iconic HBO series Looking.

Here Russell has almost too many amazing nude scenes to count, including this butt jiggle.

We especially love this explicit gay sex scene with fellow openly gay cutie Jonathan Groff!

Okay, one last nude shot from Looking, we promise.

J.K. we lied, here’s the actual last one. Sorry, but when it comes to Looking, we can’t look away!

Russell even stripped down on stage in Angels in America.

And in the drama The Pass, he had hot gay sex in a hotel room with the gorgeous Arinzé Kene.

Years and Years is where you can find Russell going to gay pound town with Maxim Baldry. See the full gay sex scene here!

And did you think Tovey would keep things covered on Quantico, just because it’s network television? His gay sex scenes say otherwise…

LAST but not least this BONUS photo of Russell in his tighty whities!:



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16 Comments on "OMG, he’s been naked so many times: Russell Tovey"


    • And so OMGblog has asked us to subscribe to help generate revenue but they can’t moderate out this piece of shit? Ha never!

  2. He’s got a great body, but he’s pretty narrow minded and exclusive. He’s very much a “masc-4-masc, whites only (it’s a preference, not racist!!)” type.

    • When it comes to my sexual preferences, I’ve come to understand that there are no hard and fast rules, but certain patterns have certainly emerged. With guys, I tend to be masc4masc (masculine for masculine), and with women, I lean more toward masc4fem (masculine for feminine). While some might argue that these preferences fit into neat boxes, the truth is, attraction is more nuanced than that.

      I also have a preference for people of color. That said, it’s not a dealbreaker if that preference isn’t met. As much as we like to think that our sexual preferences are purely based on physical characteristics or outward traits, there’s a lot more happening beneath the surface. For me, sex isn’t just about pleasure; it’s about intimacy, trust, and a deep level of attraction. And for me, attraction isn’t just physical—it’s mental too.

      As a sapiosexual, I find intellect incredibly attractive. There’s something about a person’s mind that makes them all the more irresistible—whether it’s their creativity, their talent, or some other intrinsic quality they possess. It’s this mind-body connection that makes intimacy such a powerful experience. I don’t just want someone to look good; I want someone who challenges me, who has something meaningful to say, someone who feels right on an intellectual level.

      In terms of my sexuality, I consider myself fluid, but not pansexual. I’ve had sexual experiences with cisgender women, cisgender men, and trans men. However, I have yet to feel sexually attracted to trans women. Now, some people might have a strong reaction to this—and while I understand that, it’s crucial to remember that sexual attraction doesn’t work according to political correctness. We like what we like. Not being attracted to trans women doesn’t make me transphobic any more than a person who has a preference for someone who looks like them is racist. Attraction isn’t something that can be rationalized away with societal pressure, nor should it be.

      I know plenty of Black gay men who are primarily attracted to white men, just as I know white men who are drawn to Black men. And even more perplexing to some, there are Black gay men who are not attracted to other Black men if they have a dark complexion. These patterns of attraction are deeply personal, and sometimes, even unconscious—rooted in individual experiences, societal influences, or even trauma which disproportionately affect queer people.

      But here’s the thing: There’s no amount of pressure or shaming that will change someone’s preferences. It doesn’t matter how politically correct something is, or how much others think we should align with certain ideals. At the end of the day, sexual attraction is something that can’t be forced. And if I’m in a situation where I’m being pressured to engage in sex with someone just because it’s “the right thing to do,” I know that I’ll find myself in a frustrating, and probably unsatisfying, scenario. My body simply won’t respond in a way that would lead to any meaningful sexual experience. It’s not just about preference; it’s about something far deeper. If the attraction isn’t there, it’s not going to happen.

      So, while we all have our preferences and desires, we need to acknowledge that sexual attraction is a deeply personal thing. It’s informed by our experiences, our backgrounds, and our inner worlds. And while it’s perfectly fine to challenge your own biases or preferences and explore new avenues of attraction, shaming someone for what they’re attracted to isn’t helpful. It’s about authenticity. And at the end of the day, being true to what you genuinely feel is what matters most.

  3. Richard Vestal | July 12, 2020 at 1:10 am | Reply

    I love me some Russell Tovey so I thought it too good to be true, well I was right, I so want to see the nude birthday suit front of him. Russell is my type in my minds eye. Dr. Who on the BBC America channel… he would make a hot sexy Doctor and he would make history as being to only one to be a guest star and to become the Doctor. I’m trying to start a campaign here, get the right people to see it a say that I am correct in my assessment:-)

    • Hate to disappoint you, but Peter Capaldi was both a guest star and the Doctor.

    • Kevin Larkin | July 13, 2020 at 5:59 am | Reply

      Not true : both Colin Baker and Peter Capaldi had already appeared as other characters in the series prior to becoming The Doctor. Colin played Maxil in Arc Of Infinity (alongside Peter Davison), and Capaldi appeared in the David Tennant episode set in Pompeii. And here, I apologise for being such a geek when we’re all really here to see bums and cocks!

  4. Russell Tovey is a treasure

  5. This man is everything I want in my life!

  6. He was naked a lot in Being Human (BBC) when he played a werewolf.

  7. If ever there is an unfaked full-frontal shot of this beautiful man, it will be my desktop background for years to come. 🙂

  8. He’s so gorgeous

  9. How can you miss out all his nude scenes from Being Human where he played the werewolf? Not only was it a brilliant show, he got naked in most episodes too

  10. I appreciate that he’s an out man who plays gay roles, but is there a more boring white actor on the planet?

  11. Ok? Where is the fucking dick??

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