Bodybuilder, model and Instagram star Patrick Leblanc is cut from marble and chiseled for the GAWHDZ! Understand why he has such a following after the NSFW jump!
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star? please, some steroid junkie whose only job is to hit the gym and pose for pictures. Looks full of himself, the dick pic is some random dude.
Check this vid.. 100% not fake
The dick pic is NOT his and that full back shot is not him either, even that pic is tweaked to make his ass look rounder you can see it in the pic. Pats ass is FLAT, especially when he lays face down. Dude looks like deputy dawg for sure. Nice bod, def on roids but denies that too. Dont waste your money on his Only Fans account, better pics of him for free on IG, if you can handle that dawg face.
Creepy man.
This is the hottest guy ANYWHERE. I follow him on YouTube. But that is NOT a picture of his dick. Out of place moles, but mostly, look at the spindly arm in the dick pic. Patrick’s arms are massive.
This type of body does absolutely nothing for me. I’d take a bear instead any day.
Not his dick. Not hard to figure that out due to the moles. Not sure why you constantly post dick pics with no face AND obvious dick pics that are not the person you claim them to be. This site has gone downhill lately.
Please remove these fake pics. Nothing matches up.
This one isn’t him. The naked guy isn’t as bulky and has two moles under his pecs, Patrick doesn’t. Judging by the bulges and money pic, Patrick would be smaller than that… which is sexier really.
I am all lubed up and in the downward dog position!
But he’s a total bottom. Someone that shows off their ass that much is such a bottom.
I don’t care if the pictures of Patrick are fake. All I can say is damn he’s one beautiful man!
He’s so beautiful. That white skin, those muscles, that cock and that cute smile. I’d love to lie down with him and give myself completely to him after, and only after, having admired every chiseled muscle from head to toe.
Stop posting fake pics!! You KEEP tacking on obviously not the same person dick pictures in many of these posts. I thought this site had more integrity! Nope you’re just another damn click bait site!! Bye!!
Yeah, the bellybuttons don’t match.
He really does love himself.
he has a tiny head due to his giant body.
That trout pout cancels out any thing good going on.
Quit shaving your pubes. You a man or a boy?
Oh dear beaver, that is much more than I expected and although I’m not usually a fan of big burly bodies, for this guy, I’d make an exception.
Nice bulge but the dick pics are fake
OMFG…what a hunk!!!
I could and LOVE pay for be fucked by this GreekGod!
He’s handsome , tall , muscular and HUGE
I wants him inside of my soft bubblebutt
big butt and long penis
I doubt if that’s even the same guy.
OMG Those Muscles
Nice UnCut too Bad he Shaved it Such the Pity
NO NO NO Never
That boy is a work of art.
Pretty to look at, probably boring as hell to talk to (as is the case with most of these guys).
last photo isnt him
I love the $1 dollar bills covering his junk
Classy, right? Lol
For real, it’s only like 4 dollars. I can afford that
Such a great tool long, curved, uncut, with girth.
Oh, to have a body that looks like that and be so bored that I gotta take selfies to affirm how I look…
FAKE…the skin type is different in photos.
His moles and belly button are different in the photos.
The moles and belly button don’t match. Nice dick though.
Don’t think all these pictures are of same guy-the asses don’t look the same-but he is cute and knows it