89-year-old White House Correspondent Helen Thomas finally retires amidst controversy [dlisted]
Jason Wahler (of Laguna Beach and The Hills) has been arrested for allegedly hitting his girlfriend (not LC) [l.a. rag mag]
Gawker crashed Rush Limbaugh’s wedding from above [gawker]
And why the hell was Elton John playing at it? [after elton]
OMG Alanis Morisette’s secret wedding! [popeater]
CJ Dippa is the new 11-year-old Eminem [tabloid prodigy]
Why is Renee Zellweger shopping at a bridal store? [betty]
OMG it’s Derek Phillips in tiny underwear! [kenneth]
Anna Paquin‘s bisexuality is REAL, dammit! [evil beet]
OMG, scary 81-year-old gay-hating grandma! [towleroad]
Who got to spend hours staring at Robert Pattinson‘s naked butt crack? [socialite life]
OMG dog babysitter! [cityrag]
OMG Malibu lifeguards! [oh la la]
OMG crying baby sumo competition! [uncoached]
Love the Limbaugh wedding fly over congrats from Gawker….and his defender’s tweet thinking it was not classy? She thinks he’s classy?
If it were up to me, the banner would have pointed to the bride’s carrying the “something blue” …. little blue pills Rush requires.