It was the performance of our national anthem that all artists since have unsuccessfully imitated or tried to live up to, and she did it in a nylon tracksuit and a headband. Watch Whitney Houston sing “The Star Spangled Banner” in January 1991 at Superbowl XXV and remember the moment with wonder. This is the be all and end all.
I am a little embarrassed to say that I get a tear every time I hear the Star Spangled Banner. Sometimes the singing is so awful, I tear up laughing. Sometimes its so moving, I feel each and every note and emotion attached to it. Mostly though its because the song is just so freaking beautiful!
“GO USA” sign near the end took that over the top and straight to my heart.
She really was incredible. It’s too bad she went all kookoo!
Now that her and Bobby are divorced maybe she’ll lay off the pipe.
This is an awesome performance, but i prefer CHER’s version!!!!
Whitney’s version gives me chills every. single. time. THIS is how “The Star-Spangled Banner” ought to be sung.
It is my understanding that ALL performers of the National Anthem at the Super Bowl record the performance just before the event itself and lip sync it at the actual event to avoid technical issues during the most watched program of the year. Basically they are lip syncing to a live performance. So, no harm, no foul…still pretty damn amazing that someone can hit those notes.
y’all know that it was lipsynched (VH1 showed evidence). i’m serious, but it was in her best intentions because she was so scared to screw it up. I believe that she could’ve still done it that well.
Hmm that could only be made better by Whitney shrieking Kiss My Ass!

I must say I am not american and even I was I would not …surely not have a patriotism spirit…hehe
But What a voice!
The best interpretation I heard so far
she has a beautiful voice. i have a problem with her changing the time signature though; i sat here and watched it, waiting for it to pick up, but it never did.
still one of the best performances.
Love Mariah, but she’s not the singer Whitney is. NO ONE can touch Whitney at her best.
This performance always brings shills to me. No one could (or has) done it better.
Yeah there really is no way anyone ever can live up to this, even Ms. Houston herself =]
sorry to be a bizzatch on this parade but yall forgot MARIAH CAREY’s perf… land of the freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. the best.
Oh Nippy! Come on back girl, you’re missed!
I’m sad that you didn’t include Cher’s rather amazing 2001 Super Bowl performance.
WOW!!! No one can touch that performance. Absolute perfection. What a gift in that voice.
Fantastic! What a shining star!
Some thoughtful, considered analysis on the Super Bowl performance from the woman herself: