Research In Motion has released an official teaser video for the Blackberry 6 operating system. It looks a lot more consumer-friendly and iPhone-like while still retaining all the Blackberry functionality.
With this launching in a few short months and the iPhone 4.0 failing to work without a piece of duct tape over the antenna, it might be a good time to consider a switch, no? You know you’re jealous of all your friends with BBM, anyway.
don’t have an iphone…but as far as bbm or blackberry is concerned…lets see…they released a phone in 2008 that was all bb curve under the hood with a big ol button of a touchscreen on it…not to mention everything they make uses the same ol backwards compatible 10yr old interface that once rivaled a palm pilot… nothing green on that side of the fence….
I’ll stick with my iPhone 4, thank you very much.