I thought Kmart’s heart was in the right place after they stuck by Martha Stewart when she went to jail, but I’ve just learned that they are selling these disturbing, pro-abstinence sweatpants.
Aside from the fact that abstinence-only education has been proven not to work and is a dangerous substitute for real sex education (“A condom? What’s that? Okay, just the tip. That won’t impregnate me with your illegitimate child.”), if I were designing abstinence-only bottoms, they most definitely would not be drawstring! One quick pull and you’re in. (Thanks to Scott R. for the tip!)
Perhaps the joke is that these were probably designed for a 12 year old girl, hence the color and pattern, but will still end up at the foot of some guys bed. Guys don’t care much for what the girl is wearing anyways, in the end the view is that she shouldn’t be wearing anything at all.
they definitely leave me limp.
I think they work because who would want to fuck someone wearing yellow sweat pants?
I hope you dont mind, I had to steal this one…Ive got a few relatives who I bet will rush out to get a pair (two sizes too small)