For those of you who will be attending the National Equality March in DC this weekend, the fine folks over at The New Gay have compiled for your convenience and edification a field guide to DC gays. Just in case you get confused! While the TNG guide presents a comprehensive and detailed bestiary of the gays you might encounter in our fair US capital, I grew up there and I think I can further boil it down to just six types:
- Dudes in baseball caps
- Dudes in polo shirts
- Dudes in baseball caps and polo shirts
- Dudes in neither baseball caps nor polo shirts
- Scarey drunk Log Cabin Republicans at 3 in the morning. (TIP: RUN FOR YOUR LIFE!)
Have fun and be safe at the march! I’ll be there reporting for OMG Blog, so say hi if you see me.
Hey — the one from The Real World is wearing a polo shirt! 😉