OMG this weekend: ASVOFF
Fashion icon Diane Pernet is presenting the first annual “A Shaded View On Fashion Film” festival in Paris this weekend, with works by Steven Klein,…
Fashion icon Diane Pernet is presenting the first annual “A Shaded View On Fashion Film” festival in Paris this weekend, with works by Steven Klein,…
Hey, if you’re in DC this weekend you should go to this party thrown by Zack and co. of THE NEW GAY. I’ve been to…
Some people see Virgin Marys in their Egg McMuffins and taco chips. That’s because they’ve been blessed by God. Other people see big tumescent boners…
This is why I’m glad the Internet exists. Basically this man has like a thousand videos where he dresses up like different kinds of animals…
This is why four pugs is always better than one. (Thanks to Annie for the tip!)
Whitney Houston‘s two-hour Oprah interview expertly distilled into precious audio and animated GIF jewels [fourfour] Britney Spears debuts slutty new costumes [socialite life] Kate Moss…
Yes that is Jude Law all done up for his new movie Rage. Is anyone else reminded of this: (Thanks to CB for the Jude…