OMG, New York is halfway there

Gov. David Patterson of New York issued a statement today that New York will recognize gay marriages and unions that were performed in states where…

OMG, how cute: Beluga bubbles

From Pink Tentacle: Nana, a beluga born at the Port of Nagoya Public Aquarium in July 2007, enjoys creating air bubble rings under water. While…

OMG, Britney mocks Julia

Britney Spears is making fun of Julia Roberts and her Vanity Fair cover! I hope Julia responds in kind, preferably by reenacting Brit’s performance of…

OMG, how untimely: Jam

Watch Carol Channing perform “Jam Tomorrow, Jam Yesterday” on the 1985 TV version of Alice In Wonderland. This almost rivals the kookiness of her performance…

OMG, new Sigur Rós video: Gobbledigook

Icelandic atmospheric gibberish pop band Sigur Rós collaborated with celebrigay photographer Ryan McGinley on the video for their new single “Gobbledigook” (McGinley also did the…