There are few people on television that I loathe more than Rachael Ray. And no, I don’t hate her for her perky demeanor or because she is now fat (see above photo). It’s because she has no discretion. Her shows, especially the travel one, are big product placements, and personally I would rather see the cast members of Survivor rave about the quality of Doritos before seeing Ms. Ray talk about the “best fish tacos on the entire planet,” because at least they’re hungry. Ms. Ray is obviously not hurting for food, and also doesn’t realize that there is no such thing as the “best fish taco.” Now Time magazine has included her in the Time 100 list, which, in case you aren’t familiar, consists of “The People Who Shape Our World.” (via Apartment Therapy)
As for my world, Rachael Ray only succeeds in shaping it for the worse whenever I happen to flip by one of her crappy shows, and then I found out she did a photoshoot for FHM back in her slimmer days. The pictures made me first laugh, then cry, and finally want to crawl into bed and go to sleep forever. See all the FHM photos after the jump.
I like to laugh, eat, and have sex. She’s smiling, is an awesome cook, and is HOTTTTTT! What guy wouldn’t love to have a girl like that? Get rid of the supermodels who can only make reservations for dinner and bring on some women who know how to treat a man!!!!
Rachael Ray is sexy.
all I have to say is EEEEWWWW, how far has FHM fallen.They used to have hot women and now this, no wonder magazine sales have dropped. Come on, bottom of the mixing bowl if you ask me.
Duuude, she is hot! And I dont think she has gotten FAT since those photo shoots, either. I think she is still hot– I am a fan. She looks very nice
…And I like that comment about sticking your penis in various holes then asking her to make a sammich! Haha. That made me laugh. Maybe one day…
i want to fuck her so bad.
shes hot, go fuckoff fagget
man rachael ray makes me hard i want to fuck that tiny little body so hard i hope she does like a nude photoshoot with maxium or playboy soon!
Rachael Ray…..
Speaking as a heterosexual man I want to stick my penis in several of her various openings. And then make her get up and go make me a sammich.
i love reachy so much i want to see her in hot photo i want show her body,bikini&bottom may i?!
Cooking with Rachael Ray: Coney Island Stew
From the good folks at Rachael Ray Sux comes this delightful recipe for Coney Island Stew. It’s comforting and greasy, but most of all it’s SO EASY. Excerpted from Rachael Ray’s personal cookboook: Once around the pan with EVOO extra virgin olive oil….
rachel ray has had more success in this past year than you will experience in your lifetime, asshole. you hate her because she has the sickest job in the world – to travel and eat out on food network’s dime? yah, she’s a little annoying and those pictures are disturbing, but she’s extremely gay friendly and a media presence a shitload better than your idol paris hilton or whatever coked-out bitch you’re worshipping this week
Rachael Ray hates you and me
And if you needed some proof of what a phony bitch she is, it’s in the above photo. My hatred of overpaid shill Rachael Ray is well-documented, but I was pleased to find a kindred spirit today on the Internet in fellow blogger Jackie Beat, whose cutti…
Ouch! From the harsh tone of that comment from “Tracell” (sounds a lot like “Rachel”), it would seem that Rachel Ray herself has stopped by to comment on my humble blog.
I fully accept that I am bitchy, however I would like to take a second to explain to my mystery commenter the difference between advertising and product placement.
I don’t claim to like any of the products being advertised on my sidebar, while Rachel Ray is a discretionless schill who will gobble down any piece of food that is being advertised on Food Network and claim it is delicious. That is the difference between us, and may account for why I am skinnier than her. xo Frank
What a bit**y, queeney little post. Who cares what you think about Rachel Ray? Who cares that she has put on a few pounds. If you haven’t put on a few pounds, I’m sure you will over time (unless you’re a smoker and just turn into one big wrinkle instead). And you have the nerve to talk about product placements? Look at the right side of your website. Or do all those ads just appear without your knowledge. Geez, give us all a break. The next time you have the urge to crawl in bed and stay there for a long time, just go ahead…