!! Candy !!

OMG, a contest: Straight lads

It’s time to give away another site membership from my Gay Bloggies prize package. This week, in response to all you Australians and others who…

CollegeDudes247 contest winner

The question for this most recent contest was a bit trickier, but lots of you got it right! However, only one will get the year-long…

OMG, a contest: CollegeDudes247

It’s arrived! Contest number three for the Gay Bloggies prize giveaways! Up this time is CollegeDudes247 (link NSFW), a site that features fresh young things…

PerfectGuyz contest winner

Wow, there were lots of responses to the PerfectGuyz contest, a lot of them correct, some half correct, but the winner is Alexander with the…

OMG, a contest: PerfectGuyz

I’m back again, everybody, and like it or not, this time I’m going to be around for a while. Thanks again to Graydon for all…