OMG, TOPS & BOTTOMS kids book is the gayest thing ever
Hilariously unaware, maybe? The positioning on that cover… Oi!
Hilariously unaware, maybe? The positioning on that cover… Oi!
Swoon! It’s enough to make the ball drop early! Check out Wrestler/actor type John Cena as SNL writer Mike O’Brien interviews him in the closet…
I can hear their shrill mating calls already! Check out what Disney Princes might look like if they were weekend-warrior twinks who bought their clothes…
While you are pre-watching ALL of the STAR WARS trilogy prior to your screening of The Force Awakens, you can add this gay adult film…
German actor Florian Schmidt Gahlen appears in ‘Das Wahre Leben’ after the NSFW jump! Brötchen and wurst included!
Does that mean he’d let him do stuff down dere, or…? [queerty] Alicia Vikander: ‘It’s not 2 different things being male & female, it’s a…
Inspired by the sewing kid from Curb Your Enthusiasm? Maybe the one from Broad City? Either way, she’s fierce!