May we bring to your attention Score, Radley Metzger‘s 1974 erotic opus, starring Calvin Culver (aka 70s gay adult star Casey Donovan), wherein older, jaded swingers seduce a newlywed couple into bisexual escapades.
Check out the many instances of male-on-male nudity, including very 1970s pubes and tan-lines—Cookie’s fave!—after the NSFW jump.
Click to enlarge!
Wanna know a secret? An obvious secret, once you think about it. But, still, it’s a secret, because it’s never directly said or written about or explained or revealed. But it’s there. This movie is about four people, even though, in the strictest definition of the word “reality”, this movie only has two bodies filling in the space of the story about these four people. Watch it, again. Take the key I’m suggesting with you. Suddenly, distorted dialogue and scenes will have clear meaning. It’s a story of two transgender people, meeting up, and sharing the experiences of how they resolve their lives. Free on AmazonPrime. The uncensored dvd is available to purchase. And it has some intriguing, careful conversations about the experience of filming it.
SHANNON that’s what happens when you use traffic cones as dildos…..everything else seems small.
Now that’s a nice hairy penis! Those were some good days of nice bushes!
Love hairy men so much!!!!
AHH the good old days, when men looked like men NOT shaved twinks! I hope I can find the new version and watch it.
Male asses in the 70s were the BEST!
I’ve seen this video through late night searching. And it’s very hot
I actually saw this again a few weeks ago. I’d seen it many years ago, when it came out on VHS. It’s really a nicely made and seductive movie! Thanks for sharing these photos!
The real SCORE here is Gerald Grant’s wonderfully furry body. He did the bisex thing again in 1975’s “Both Ways” with Andrea True.