Ever wondered where poppers started? Find out the history of the fume on Lovett Or Leave It & Buzzfeed’s David Mack as they dig into where they came from, and how it’s been around since the 1800’s! Check them out above!
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1 Commenton "OMG, ever wonder where poppers came from? Buzzfeed News & Lovett Or Leave It let us in on the history of them!"
I really think the’re missing a relevant aspect to the lack of regulation/education; specifically that during the AIDS crisis years, there was an attitude in government of “the gays are doing it and we don’t care what happens to them”.
“If poppers cause AIDS, so be it. If they don’t cause AIDS but are dangerous, they will still probably just get AIDS. No matter.”
I really think the’re missing a relevant aspect to the lack of regulation/education; specifically that during the AIDS crisis years, there was an attitude in government of “the gays are doing it and we don’t care what happens to them”.
“If poppers cause AIDS, so be it. If they don’t cause AIDS but are dangerous, they will still probably just get AIDS. No matter.”