A dispatch from !!omg!! blog’s Bureau of Culture:
Dear sensitive NYC ladies and men! Have you been lying face down on your the floor of your dumpy studio listening to Court and Spark for the last three days, crying about nothing? Who can blame you? IT’S JUST THIS F*CKING WEATHER. Well maybe it would good to get out of the house? So buck up and put on your galoshes for an arduous but transformative HEJIRA to the extremely far reaches of the Lower Really East Side, where John Kelly is currently staging his legendary Joni Mitchell performance art dragstravaganza, Paved Paradise: Redux, at the fancy and historic but really fucking far away Abrons Arts Center. It’s worth it, I promise– both for patchouli-drenched Joni Mitchell obsessives and those who just like to feel extra-classy about their drag shows.