OMG, we rock: White Guys
Finally! Something for us white guys! I sometimes feel like the whole world is against us… Well, thanks to the blog WHITE GUYS YEAH! I…
Finally! Something for us white guys! I sometimes feel like the whole world is against us… Well, thanks to the blog WHITE GUYS YEAH! I…
Robert Pattinson is having trouble finding sex in New York [socialite life] Jennifer Aniston to be the the James Bond franchise’s most predictable, vanilla Bond…
Pamela Anderson walks the runway at Vivienne Westwood [busy bee] Chris Brown is charged with two felonies [fcf] M.I.A. has named her unborn baby “Ickitt”…
A 73-year-old man who lost his sight 30 years ago has regained some vision thanks to a bionic eye made by Second Sight: It works…
Rihanna will not press charges against Chris Brown [anything hollywood] And Usher retracts his criticism of Chris Brown [celebslam] OMG Simon Baker changes his pants…
OMG leaked Britney Spears concert set list! [socialite life] If you thought Jennifer Aniston couldn’t sink any lower in her publicity-whoring, watch her eat a…
Kanye West defends Chris Brown [l.a. rag mag] Jake Gyllenhaal cameos in Jamie Foxx‘s new “Blame It” music video [oh la la] Lindsay Lohan and…