OMG, how cute: Janice Dickinson’s bulldog
“World’s first supermodeling agent” Janice Dickinson has found herself an adorable bulldog puppy to carry around with her! It looks positively frightened in the above…
“World’s first supermodeling agent” Janice Dickinson has found herself an adorable bulldog puppy to carry around with her! It looks positively frightened in the above…
(Image Source) I knew the Golden Globes were all about shininess, but I forgot the whole “glamorous” aspect for a second until Beyonce so unsubtly…
Who is this scary monster? You probably wouldn’t recognize him from his films Black Orchid and 9 1/2 Weeks, but it’s former heartthrob Mickey Rourke…
(Image Source. Click to enlarge) Seeing Christina Aguilera stand next to basketball stars Yao Ming (7’5″) and Shaquille O’Neal (7’1″) is kind of disconcerting; it…
(Image Source. Click to enlarge) Sometimes the camera really does capture what’s going on inside. Poor Jennifer Aniston.
Roots, the Japanese coffee drink, can apparently make even the highest profile English-speaking celebrities get all crazy-like. Two cases in point: Brad Pitt above and…
Between the pony-tail, the oversized shades, and that hobo sweater with only the top button done up, Orlando Bloom is looking a bit too much…