!! Cute !!

Key West Fantasy Fest

The folks in Key West take Halloween very seriously and even give it another name: Fantasy Fest, which is really more than a day’s celebration….

OMG, how cute: Standing cat

He looks just like a little man! And in case you wouldn’t normally find this funny, there is whacky Japanese commentary and music to help…

OMG, how cute: Hedgehog babies

(Image Source) What better way to start the week than with some precious baby hedgehogs? My mom used to have a hedgehog, so I can…

OMG, how cute: Oolong and Yuebing

Japanese bunny Oolong became an Internet star in the late 90s when his owner started posting photos of him sitting patiently with funny things on…

Baby toupee

I suspect some of you have seen these before, but I’m a sucker for making a cute thing cuter, or in this case, just plain…