OMG, Pile ‘o Puppies: One Direction’s Puppy Parlour
If there’s one thing cutererer than twinks with puppies, it’s twinks with puppies wearing Ralf Lauren sweaters. I imagine they have totally opened up a…
If there’s one thing cutererer than twinks with puppies, it’s twinks with puppies wearing Ralf Lauren sweaters. I imagine they have totally opened up a…
The world’s smallest dog — or at least little Meysi’s owner hopes to earn that title soon — weighs only slightly more than a hamster….
And now, a sleeping baby bunny. [via sisfti]
Thanks to the GoPro HD Hero 2 — a fancy camera put inside a tissue box with a laser pointer attached — we now know…
Click here. You won’t be sorry. [via morning meme]
Well, I gotta say, there’s nothing cuter than baby elephants. Nothing. Except for maybe that precious moment when a baby elephant and its mother are…
Two things: First, this guy says that he doesn’t know how to talk to girls. Second, he’s using Taylor Swift lyrics as pickup lines. Maybe…