OMG, Let’s Not Think About It!: The Week In Review
We all know that absolutely nothing happened this week other than Mackenzie Phillips incesty confession to Her Royal O-Ness. But that grosses me out and…
We all know that absolutely nothing happened this week other than Mackenzie Phillips incesty confession to Her Royal O-Ness. But that grosses me out and…
This bacon in a can lasts up to 10 years! It wouldn’t last ten minutes if I got a hold of it. It costs $16…
I wonder if the upcoming Meryl Streep JULIE & JULIA movie will include this equal opportunity scene? Maybe Julia, having a funny voice herself, just…
Think that baby in a Pizza Slice Costume is cute? Well how about a whole baby pizza!? Wait, that’s sounds more cannibalistic than I meant…
Bobby Trendy shows off his underwear line and Chanel bag on his way to a classy, nutritious meal at the Cheesecake Factory. My favorite photo…
Is this meth? Is this what meth does to you? Let this be a warning! Don’t tweak and blog! Girlfriend’s actually kind of the James…
Watch where the tomato falls when you’re eating your burger or you might end up with a new friend.