OMG, she was euthanized: Shawn Johnson
The American gymnast who won gold at last year’s Olympics had to be put down after she broke her knee. So sad! So young…
The American gymnast who won gold at last year’s Olympics had to be put down after she broke her knee. So sad! So young…
This ad for Britney’s new perfume, Mo, is supposed to be a funny ha-ha joke, but am I offended instead? I dunno. It’s not offensive….
In her column yesterday, New York Times columnist Maureen Dowd lifted a 42-word passage from an article by Talking Point Memo’s Josh Marshall published last…
Not wasting any time after finishing WHERE THE WILD THINGS ARE, director Spike Jonze adapts another classic childhood story. Everyone poops, but not everybody poops…
Listen to this performance of Beyonce singing “If I Were a Boy” on the Today Show at Rockefeller Center. The audio is evidently what was…
Rupert Everett looks more than a little refreshed after what appears to be an extensive round of plastic surgery. He looks like a completely different…
Looks like Amazon has recognized their wrongdoing in the “GAY GLITCH” scandal. They have panicked and designed some new Kindles for their gay clientelle. See…