!! OMG, quote of the day: Freddie Mercury’s first girlfriend recalls the moment she knew he was gay !!

“We had been to the V&A and seen Eadweard Muybridge’s photographs of men wrestling in the nude.

“I could see he was enamoured in a way that went beyond art appreciation. Then we went to see Ken Russell’s ‘Women in Love’ and he was dumbfounded by the wrestling scene.

“He wanted to stay in the cinema and see the whole thing again. My blood ran cold, not because it was a bad film but because of the implications. That was the tipping point.”

Rose Pearson, Freddie Mercury‘s first girlfriend, recalls the moment she suspected the singer was gay after he became “enamoured” with photographs of men wrestling in the nude at the exhibition.

[via the Radio Times]

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3 Comments on "OMG, quote of the day: Freddie Mercury’s first girlfriend recalls the moment she knew he was gay"

  1. Bisexual*

    • He was gay not bi.
      Fact! A man that ONCE dated women but then were involved with men doesn’t make them bi.
      Even Queen members said they he was gay NOT bi. Get it right queen! People that knew him KNOW. so there.

      • He famously said he loved both men and women, and that the love of his life was a woman. Many people who knew him talked about how he loved both men and women.

        Freddie Mercury was bisexual. Period.

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