OMG, WATCH: Michael Henry wants to know if you’re a good flirt with Michael Lucid and Pete Zias
Flirting is tough! Have you got what it takes to be a successful cock destroyer!? See what Michael Henry and friends have to say above!
Flirting is tough! Have you got what it takes to be a successful cock destroyer!? See what Michael Henry and friends have to say above!
Nobody cared until he put on the mask! Check out Vic Berger‘s latest venture into terror above!
Game of Thrones has so many plotlines, characters, sub-plots, peripheral characters, that we needed a full primer in advance of the Season 8 premiere on…
Damn. For a second there, you thought that M. Night Shyamalan might actually be good again! Check out HONEST TRAILERS‘ take on GLASS above!
Scary times we live in! The fact that your Insta could just be taken from you at any time and – POOF! You are no…
You may have heard of the FLORIDA MAN challenge, but what about the Florida WOMAN challenge!? Well if you’re birthday was March 27th, then you…
Watch in utter awe as Ryan Steele sings popular RuPaul songs for his 2019 American Idol audition. Check it out above!