!! Geeky !!

OMG, how geeky: LHC Rap

Are we all going to be sucked into a giant black hole because of the Large Hadron Collider experiments? I don’t know, but now at…

OMG, how sanitary: Keyboard Napkin

Allein Wohner has come up with the Keyboard Napkin to protect your laptop from stray crumbs. I’m more worried about my keyboard getting pregnant than…

OMG, how smart: PawSense

Is your kitty-cat constantly stepping on your keyboard and saving documents or closing programs accidentally? Or writing non-sensical emails to gramma? PAWSENSE can put a…

OMG, Katie Couric says OMG

Jesus, no wonder her ratings are down. In “a page from her notebook”, Katie spouts off text-speak like a bad Andy Rooney knock-off. Nothing like…

OMG, how cute: Keepon

Keepon is a cute squishy robot developed by Hideki Kozima and programmed by Marek Michalowski. I want him. He is part of the BeatBot family….