!! OMG, JoJo Siwa lost her shit on some fans after they booed her at NYC Pride !!

JoJo Siwa paused her set at Trixie Mattel’s Pride Disco show at New York City’ Central Park (as part of her Solid Pink Disco Pride Tour) over the weekend to address hacklers in the crowd after she was booed.

“Who the living fuck just booed me? Where the fuck did that come from? Which one of you? Which one of you?” she asked on Saturday, as she paced around the stage.

Siwa then grabbed a handmade sign from fans in the audience, before doubling down: “Respectfully, fuck you!”

She’s really trying hard to shake that good girl image! Check out the confrontation after the jump! (We just want more of “the” dance!)

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2 Comments on "OMG, JoJo Siwa lost her shit on some fans after they booed her at NYC Pride"

  1. She should be booed! She is horrible and egotistical.
    Worst thing to happen to the LGBTQIA+ community since Katelynn Jenner!

  2. Actually, what “we” want is for this cringy, attention seeking no-talent to just go away.

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