!! OMG, The makers of Ambien aren’t here for Roseanne’s blamery, say the drug does not cause one to become racist !!

“Guys I did something unforgivable so do not defend me. It was 2 in the morning and I was ambien tweeting — it was egregious Indefensible. I made a mistake I wish I hadn’t… but don’t defend it please,”

Roseanne, blaming her racist tweets, which got her show cancelled, on the drug Ambien.

What was the maker of Ambien’s response?:

The best comment on the twitter thread from Sanofi’s Roseanne rebuttle has to be “I’m snot crying right now!”. We agree, the response from the makers of Ambien had us in laughing tears.

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4 Comments on "OMG, The makers of Ambien aren’t here for Roseanne’s blamery, say the drug does not cause one to become racist"

  1. Really? Our brilliant president says dumbshit ALL the time, Roseanne makes a stupid comment and gets the Kathy Griffin royal treatment! C’mon people

  2. She thought she was being an edgy T-Rump supporter,even gained a measure of notoriety because of it,but that douche tool went too far in her rant,now it cost her plenty,unfortunately it cost her cast and crew as well. While I love the original show,this version was nasty and mean,and Roseanne gave us the worst acting out of the whole show,most of the time she seemed to be reading her lines from a card,not that she was the only one ,she was just the worst.

  3. Oh bye Felicia! Good day BITCH!!! Good day! I’m not saying she can walk into the lava, but please just retire in exile to Hawaii.

  4. Correct! Ambien may not make you a racist, however there is a direct correlation that Twitter DOES indeed turn you into an asshole.

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