!! OMG, was the new Scream VI poster design idea stolen from an online graphic designer? !!

It seems to happen all the time! The small guys get their ideas scoop from some corporate assholes without paying them a copper cent! Well, an artist and designer by the name of Gil Marcel Cordeiro is making a claim that whoever was hired to design Scream VI’s latest film poster seemed to have drawn MAJOR inspiration from his work posted online. Check out the side-by-sides after the jump! Thoughts?

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10 Comments on "OMG, was the new Scream VI poster design idea stolen from an online graphic designer?"

  1. Looks like a rip off. Shame.

  2. Didn’t they save enough money by lowballing (and then not even hiring) Neve?! Fuck this movie.

  3. Who cares? One of the worst “horror” film franchise ever! Who likes this crap? Good horror is NOT a franchise.

    • Debbie Downer strikes again. Do you actually like anything?

    • And yet there’s been numerous different franchises of the horror genre that have not only been well liked but have been insanely popular AND successful.

      And IF it’s such crap, IF it’s supposedly the worst “horror” franchise ever and IF you don’t care then why the hell did you click on ANY link leading to any kind of article posted on it?? LOL If you truly didn’t care you would’ve just kept on scrolling.

  4. Was it really stolen though? Promotional materials are planned many months in advance of release and the actual poster is far more creative, detailed and superior. Given the previous promos have been subway heavy, it seems like an obvious idea to go with.

    • It was someone else’s idea so yes, it was stolen. So what if they did it better? That doesn’t change the fact they stole the idea.

      • You missed my point. The guy posted it four weeks ago, so it is unlikely they stole it given the marketing campaign would have been formulated months before it was even created.

        • I don’t think so. This poster is just part of the marketing campaign. They have the money and manpower to change anything they want that believe is better marketing for the movie in a matter of days, not just weeks.

          • LOL Just because they have the money and manpower to do so does not necessarily mean that they did do it “in a matter of days”. That’s pretty flimsy reasoning.

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