Marvin Richardson was an organic strawberry farmer until he got bitten by the politics bug, and now he’s also an aspiring politician, but going about it in a pretty nontraditional way.
Instead of doing all the regular things like “campaigning” and “talking to people about the issues,” Marvin decided to legally change his name to “Pro-Life” so he could appeal to all the one-issue voters at the polls without saying a word about his positions beforehand.
Pretty smart really. Now Pro-Life Richardson can go back to planting strawberries and let the name work it’s magic on Election Day. (Thanks to Laura F. for the tip!)
The ones that should have been aborted are always pro-life.
I used to really like strawberries; now I’m not so sure.
This guy makes me want to go out and have an abortion just to piss him off.
Can the un-dead be pro-life?
By the way, this man is 100% in favor of killing animals. He’s a big hunting advocate.
Did he legally change his middle name to Anti-Choice?
Maybe he can change his name again – to Manure. Much more suitable for this man and I hear it’s good for strawberries