!! OMG, Mama Knows: Isabella Rossellini’s 3rd season of ‘Green Porno’ !!

Lancôme model and ‘Blue Velvet’ actress Isabella Rossellini is no stranger to dressing as various manimals and letting us all know how tweaked-out Mother Nature can get:
In parts 1 and 2 of ‘Green Porno’ Isabella discussed the sex-pest of insects and then the sex life of the soggy wet people that live under the sea, so for her 3rd installment she gets all ‘Mama knows’ when she reveals the bonkers habits of animothers and their spawn babies.
You can view the episodes thus far over at SundanceChannel, which includes the most recent eating habits of hamster mamsters, who often get a wee bit peckish when popping dem babies out.
I myself have been known to stumble out the club at 3am and grab a portion of fries and a bag of deep fried hairless hamster baby popsicles, ain’t no big deal, as long as you don’t baby-barf them up again!

[via laughingsquid]

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2 Comments on "OMG, Mama Knows: Isabella Rossellini’s 3rd season of ‘Green Porno’"

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