OMG, How Gay: Ex-Gays

With this amazing 700 Club segment exposé about life on the down low, screencap queen Rich of FourFour offers up yet more evidence that homophobia…

OMG, Make Lizard Love, Not War

Henry Lizardlover raises many lizards in his home. In time, Henry’s pet lizards developed superior qualities, unusual calm and trust around people, they became willing…

OMG, His Butt: Luke Pasqualino

Are you guys as obsessed as I am with the British teevee program SKINS? If you’re not you should be– it easily ranks with My…

OMG, they sing: My Little Ponies

I don’t know what the f*ck this is, but who wouldn’t like to see a giant My Little Pony (they still have those?!) singing AND…