OMG, he’s naked: Matthew Scully

Matthew Scully is the young star of the upcoming Australian thriller Storage. It’s only his second film, so the nude scene after the jump (NSFW)…

OMG, He’s Toxic: Michael Lohan

I have no idea why Real Housewife of Atlanta Nene Leakes is qualified to give parenting advice to Lindsay Lohan’s father, but then again, who…

OMG gossip: ‘Glee’ gets even gayer

Nicole Kidman speaks out before Congress about violence against women [jezebel] Doctors are to blame for Lindsay Lohan‘s drug problem? [gabby] OMG all-Madonna episode on…

OMG, what a ham: Lady Kaka

Lady Kaka has made a name for herself with her infectious dance-poop party song “Poop On Your Face”, and wildly disgusting and totally uncalled for…