OMG, how rude: Betty White
Betty White swearing is just on the edge of getting boring, but I’ll allow it. I’d allow it even more if Ryan Reynolds had been…
Betty White swearing is just on the edge of getting boring, but I’ll allow it. I’d allow it even more if Ryan Reynolds had been…
I don’t care if PETA’s on my ass, I’m going to make my cat yodel. Okay, I don’t have a cat. But I’m going to…
Miley Cyrus calls Victoria Beckham a “soccer mom” [socialite life] Is Craig “The Legend of the Seeker” Horner seeking his shirt? It always seems to…
The fluffy white cat above is busy transcribing the important Morse Code message sent by Secret Agent Cat below.
[PHOTO REMOVED AT THE REQUEST OF MR. SEPULVEDA] Robert Sepulveda Jr. from MTV’s Room Raiders is not shy about posing nude (as seen in THESE…
ACTION CAT is a dream come true for every cat-lady in the world who just got hooked up to the interwebs with a dial-up connection….
In her column yesterday, New York Times columnist Maureen Dowd lifted a 42-word passage from an article by Talking Point Memo’s Josh Marshall published last…