Leave Britney Alone House Remix

For those of you who thought nothing positive could come out of Britney Spears’s meltdown during the VMAs and the subsequent impassioned YouTube reactions, you…

OMG, he’s naked: David Wissak

David Wissak stars in the short French film Twentynine Palms where he shows us the goods. I think he is Russian. He gets his own…

OMG, how talented: Nina Kinert

Oh, the Swedes, always pumping out the newest and the coolest… In fashion, music, or whatever, America eats it up, and songstress Nina Kinert is…

OMG, she’s made it: Candis Cayne

Trannie superstar Candis Cayne has landed a big TV role on ABC’s Dirty, Sexy, Money playing Billy Baldwin’s trannie girlfriend! I would like to join…