!! Sports !!

OMG, out and proud: Gus Johnston

Australian field hockey goalkeeper Gus Johnston came out in a film he calls ”The reality of homophobia in sport,” saying, ”My name is Gus Johnston,…

OMG, hottie ally: Brendon Ayanbadejo

Creamy skin. Delicious lips. Jacked body. Affirming attitude toward marriage equality. Please, PLEASE, someone tell me Baltimore Raven Brendon Ayanbadejo (drool) has a gay twin…

OMG, taking a stand: Hudson Taylor

Like Ben Cohen, wrestler Hudson Taylor is taking a stand against homophobia in the world of sports. His Athlete Ally organization promotes inclusive language and…

OMG, he smells like sports: Andy Roddick

Lacoste Challenge: Re/fresh (Directors Cut) from Rob Chiu on Vimeo. Andy Roddick is hot, certainly, but there’s also a little something…menacing about his stare. (Maybe…