!! Art !!

OMG, the drama: Waxie Moon

Waxie Moon calls himself “Seattle’s only gender-bending-queer-lady-boylesque-performance-art-solo-stripping-sensation” and when you watch this video, you’ll have to agree he’s at least a few of those things!…

OMG, she’s a star: Truly

Meet Truly, the most fabulously made-up woman in Washington D.C. Not a selfish bone in her body, Truly has made an entire YouTube video series…

OMG arterwear

THE BULGE PROJECT is an online store that sells underwear, and a framed photograph of a model wearing that underwear in one convenient package. Just…

OMG how creative: Spam Poetry

Alessandro Esteri has created a book of poetry using only lines from spam emails. Here’s a sample: Summer is coming Summer is coming, time to…

OMG, how sweet: The Sugar Show

My friend Linda Griggs curated an art show all about cakes, candy, and sweetness as part of the E32 Series in New York City. It’s…