!! Art !!

OMG, how cute: Roadkill Teddy

Adorable Twitch the Raccoon is the first in a series of stuffed “Roadkill teddies,” and he’s available in limited quantities just in time for Christmas…

OMG, how gay: Hilary Duff

Until now I thought Hilary Duff‘s music was only for nine year olds. There is, in fact, another key demographic. (via Graydon Sheppard)

OMG, how weird: Baby Oprah doll

Marie Osmond appeared along with the rest of her family on Oprah earlier this month, and presented Oprah with a porcelain baby Oprah doll as…

OMG, how scary: The Great Slumber

Don’t worry, the dog isn’t really dead. These freaky pillows are really cute. Watch the website for the day you can buy one of your…