!! Art !!

OMG, doodie

Controversial photographer Andres Serrano will be displaying his latest series, SHIT, in New York in September. Serrano is most infamous for his photograph PISS CHRIST,…

OMG, she’s in a bikini: La Pequeña

After realizing two other feminist heroes (Hillary Clinton and Amy Winehouse), chameleon video artist La Pequeña has created what could be her magnum opus in…

OMG, how lifelike: Hair Hats

Japanese pop artist Nagi Noda has created fantastical animal sculptures out of models’ hair. Check out a few close-ups after the jump.

OMG, it’s an opera: The Fly

Canadian-born director David Cronenberg’s 1986 film “The Fly” has been re-tooled as an opera. It premiered in Paris at the Théâtre du Châtelet. Last night…

OMG, clothes that grow on you

Some amazing fashion/architecture/photography from LUCY AND BART. Pictured above – “Germination Day One”, and “Germination Day Eight”. Via I HEART PHOTOGRAPH