!! Geeky !!

OMG, the Word of the Year: Overshare

Webster’s has named “overshare” as 2008’s Word of the Year. Watch the video above to see explanations of the word and examples of its consequences….

OMG, Beauty Queen Font

This amazing font from SHERIFF featuring stretched-out pageant ladies could very well be the campaign font for Palin 2012. Via EVERYONE FOREVER.

OMG, save the world: Styrofoam Robot

Don’t throw our those packing materials from your TV and stereo-system boxes. It all just ends up in a landfill or going through energy-consuming recycling…

OMG, how geeky: LHC Rap

Are we all going to be sucked into a giant black hole because of the Large Hadron Collider experiments? I don’t know, but now at…