OMG, Free TV!
And it comes with bonus porn! Chicagoites: on your mark, get set, GO! Thank you to Ardi for the tip. (Craigslist)
And it comes with bonus porn! Chicagoites: on your mark, get set, GO! Thank you to Ardi for the tip. (Craigslist)
Based on the response to this morning’s post, I think it’s safe to make one assumption: gays go ga-ga for Golden Girls! The frothing-at-the-mouth religious…
What hath Levi Johnston wrought!? It seems that posing nude is now beside the point for wannabe celebutrash. Why actually show your penis when you…
Seriously, why are we still arguing about this when the Golden Girls settled the issue twenty-five years ago? (Via Lady Bunny)
I think this video proves definitively that Dusty Springfield was the original Lady Gaga. But before you get all offended, that’s in addition to being…
(Queen Liz declined to take a ride on Lady Gaga’s disco stick.) Photo via Gawker
The New Jersey State Senate will be voting on a same-sex marriage bill Thursday that if passed will be signed into law by outgoing Governor…