!! OMG, no kink at Pride? These people LOVE to bathe in baked beans !!

When the saying ‘you’re just full of beans’ no longer applies, it’s time to take matters into your own hands and hop in the tub!

Check out this group who can’t resist the temptation of a sloppy can of baked beans all over their buss! Find a full gallery after the jump.


[via sadanduseless]

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2 Comments on "OMG, no kink at Pride? These people LOVE to bathe in baked beans"

  1. Laird Ehlert | June 27, 2024 at 5:30 pm | Reply

    What a waste of food. Disgusting!

  2. Beyond eating shit, this is the sickest fetish I’ve ever heard of. I’m taking baked beans off my shopping list.

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