!! One-stop airline seat information !!

When you buy tickets online, sometimes it feels like they are just humoring you by letting you choose your seat. Everybody knows not to sit right behind the wing, but beyond that, I am pretty happy as long as my copy of SkyMall doesn’t have tooth-marks on it.
Seat Guru map
Seat Guru, however, reminds us that every airplane has idiosyncracies that could make your ride a lot less pleasant if you end up in a substandard seat, and they provide enough information to help you choose the perfect one. They have every airplane in the skies listed, broken down by airline, with a seat map color-coded to help you avoid bad seats. Between Seat Guru and AirlineMeals.net, which not only reviews, but provides pictures of meals on every airline, I can almost imagine I am flying, which is good because tickets right now are too expensive. (via Nervous Breakdown)

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