OMG, How Clever: Song Lyrics as Google Maps
And there are more… [Via Sullybear]
And there are more… [Via Sullybear]
Not only do I need this nickname, but I need that parking spot! (via
Do you remember the show Out of This World? To refresh your memory, it was a syndicated sitcom, airing from 1987-1991, about girl named Evie…
“I couldn’t help but wonder” why I never noticed this before… For another fantastic montage along these lines, don’t forget Rich at Fourfour‘s epic “I’m…
Don’t think he’s going away any time soon! Feisty former flight attendant Steven Slater is getting ready to renew his fifteen minutes of fame with…
We are looking for a few good men… to be on the !! omg social club !! flyers. How would you like to star in…
Gay brides in California lace up your Nikes and get ready to race over to the chapel to put a ring on it! Judgey Godmother…