OMG gossip: It’s the dress Tom Cruise wanted to wear
Tom Cruise is living vicariously through Suri by dressing her up in a drag queen’s costume [more photos at dlisted] Lindsay Lohan tries to channel…
Tom Cruise is living vicariously through Suri by dressing her up in a drag queen’s costume [more photos at dlisted] Lindsay Lohan tries to channel…
In preparation for “The Holidays,” we here at OMG Blog (me) are going to be counting down some of our (my) favorite “Holiday” songs. First…
I’m easy. Put a couple of hot guys getting gay on your billboard and I am completely sold on your product. Pity us gays: we’ll…
Movie Memories is the recurring feature in which musicians tell us the scene of male nudity that left the greatest impression on their once-impressionable minds….
Kids in the Hall: Death Comes to Town – watch more funny videos It’s days like this I’m proud to be a Canadian. (Oh, wait…)…
I know when you hear about OJ Simpson you’re all, oh, right, that dude who killed all those people and then went golfing. But what…
You never know where you might find those wily pandas at the San Diego zoo. This time I caught Mommy up in a tree. See…