‘Hey, Paula!’

“They beat me down. Well, I’m a warrior.” Aren’t you anxious to see the Paula Abdul that you haven’t already seen on YouTube or American…

OMG, how cute: Knut

It’s not hard to see why Knut the baby polar bear has taken the Internet by storm. He is perhaps the cutest living thing on…

OMG, he’s naked: Daniel López

Another entry in the department of sexy, well-hung Spanish men you’ve probably never heard of, I bring you former Gran Hermano (Spanish Big Brother) contestant…

OMG, how dangerous? Nintendo Wii

Do Wiis breed murderers? That’s what critics are saying, specifically in regard to Rock Star Games’ controversial-for-its-violence game Manhunt II: You can use a saw…

OMG, how savage: Turtles

These turtles are making me think that whole “slow and steady” thing is total bunk. Then again, what the male turtle is doing requires a…

OMG, he’s naked: Omar Ayyashi

Spanish photographer Omar Ayyashi may not be famous for anything except being the husband of his actress wife, Cayetana Guillén Cuervo (pictured together above), but…