OMG, the puppetry of fuckery aka ‘Spitting Image’ shares full election special
In series 1, episode 5 of Spitting Image, Donald Trump investigates election voter fraud and Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos and Richard Branson race to Mars….
In series 1, episode 5 of Spitting Image, Donald Trump investigates election voter fraud and Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos and Richard Branson race to Mars….
Lil Nas X and Lizzo‘s costumes were out of this world [socialite life] Olympic gymnast Danell Leyva reflects on coming out earlier this month [towleroad]…
OMG Stars is an astrology column written by queer astrologer Amelia Ehrhardt (@soft_aspects). Every two weeks, on the new and full moons, Amelia interprets the…
Some neighbours in Richmond, Texas, had a bone to pick with Angela Nava’s Halloween skeleton strip club display! The homeowners association called Nava’s pole-dancing skeletons…
Got a burning question, or just something burning down there? Get answers from the new OMG.BLOG advice column Your Friend, Dorothy. Receive thoughtful, compassionate advice…
‘Making room for the next President’ [towleroad] Hilarious inappropriate internet comments [ruin my week] Sorry, guys! ScarJo has locked it down with SNL’s Colin Jost…
Treat your kitties like the kings and queens they really are! Find some of the best designs for cardboard cat castles after the jump!