OMG, he’s gay: Austrian Political Leader
Jorg Haider, the leader of a right-wing political group in Austria, was believed to have been drinking at a gay bar with a trick before…
Jorg Haider, the leader of a right-wing political group in Austria, was believed to have been drinking at a gay bar with a trick before…
100,000 people came out to support Barack Obama in St. Louis this past weekend. That’s a lot, especially in Missouri. (via Gawker)
In their own “town hall” debate, the members of Sonic Youth candidly discuss who they’re voting for and why. I think it’s more of an…
I never, ever, thought I would say this… But I agree completely with Republican superbitch Peggy Noonan’s column in Friday’s Wall Street Journal. She discusses…
With all the attention on California and the incendiary Proposition 8, I didn’t even hear about Florida’s Amendment 2, which is seeking to ban same-sex…
God damn she’s gorgeous. You just want to hug her until her little package bursts. Tina Fey’s got nothing on La Pequeña! Via LADY BUNNY.
Good friends Hugh Jackman and Robert Buckley star in this new ad opposing the horrible Proposition 8 that is on the ballot in California. This…